…Is what I’d like to say but since we are in cyberspace and our physical selves scatter all over the world, we can only (Borg) collectively wish you a happy 2010!
That said, below are some Anime Dance Videos, just in case you’re bored of the shopping network and sitting alone eating potato chips.
Thank you, our dear audience for the past 3 fruitful years and here’s to many more!
Simple but nice.
Really good job this one below – how many anime are in this one anyway?
Not bad, great song from Eurodance from Initial D. Let’s end this post with this!
I have just liked ” lollipop” movie!!(good rhythm~)
These are intersting!
Thank you for introductioning these movies!!
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@ こなちゃん – cool art! Tsukasa-chan 最高!
@ こなちゃん – you’re welcome! Happy new year and have an awesome 2010 and beyond!
@rayyhum777-Thank you very much.
I love Tukasa too!
Oh!You wake up early!
Well・・・Today(1/1),I and my relatives
gathered at my grandfather’s house,
then we celebrated the New Year’s festival.
I enjoyed. Soybean paste+Rice Cake GOOD!
I registered with Twitter.
@ こなちゃん – I live in Taipei, Taiwan right now, so my time isn’t very different from yours.
You ate Omochi + miso? I hope you had a good time with your family and relatives. What is your Twitter name?
probablly my Twitter name is[tukasakagami].
@ こなちゃん – I just sent you two twitter messages. Have fun with twitter!