My second and last tribute to that character in Claymore

The soldier who once thought was slain,
Is now back for with a vegence.
Wounded for your faults,
She stands tall, ready to fight by your side.
No matter how hard the road is, how painful her wounds are,
She will march forward with you, fight along side with you,
Hold your arms up when they fall;
Block the flaming arrows if they come.

She once was thought to be slain,
But her life is strong, and she does not give up.
She strides forward in her deeply painful moments,
Only wanting to follow you.
Even when your closest friends fails,
Even when your loved one doubts,
Even when you’re blinded by hate,
She will hold your hand,
And guide you in your paths.
She shall not fail you and she will fight with you, until
Her debt is paid.
The old soldier does not die,
She shall only fade away when she breathes her last.
May the heavens open and weep when she does.

The war may continue, but she shall be missed.
The sun does not shine while she does not breathe.
The world is but a shadow of its former self when she’s gone.
Your name will be missed, but it shall be etched in memories and ballads,
Forever more.
There’s pain and suffering, but with your honor and courage,
May the world become more tolerable even for all the mistakes made.
The old soldier never die,
Only her figure fades away in the distance, but
We shall not give her up in our thoughts,
May her name be honored among the stars,
And the memory of her be ingrained in the legend of times.

Author: Ray

I'm a hardcore Anime Fan and I'm proud of it. I know so many things and I've acquired so much knowledge you wouldn't believe. But my love is anime. I've been drifting in this world for so long that I don't even know what an anchor means. I've seen so many shows that I've lost count. The only thing I'm sure of myself is that I care for the lowly and disenfranchised. I hate the rich and powerful and I love what I do, or what I can do. I like anime and I don't mind watching different types of shows. I have experience in different types of Japanese animation. I would be called an "expert" in a bizzaro world. One day, I'd like to start a revolution. I love the US, pizza, beer, sashimi, Chinese food, and steak. But I love freshly baked bread more than a well-aged steak. In reality, if I were born Japanese I'd be a real, hardcore Otaku. I love to love and I can hate strongly. I'm passionate in nature and I don't mind shedding tears. I can be reached at rayyhum777 at animediet. My Twitter is rayyhum777 at twitter.

1 thought on “My second and last tribute to that character in Claymore

  1. Well, I wonder if we will see the most GAR moment this year re-enacted with Raki & Jean headed to the volcano…


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