Official Trailer of The Disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi Movie

It actually looks quite intense emotionally for a Suzumiya Haruhi (涼宮ハルヒの消失) story. The roadshow (limited showings) for it will start on 02/06/2010 (February 6th 2010) in Japan.

(video from Krafux)

Shall we look for Eva like elevator scenes in the new movie?


Thanks to Project Haruhi bringing it to our attention.

Source: Gigazine

First Anime Diet Report on the issue

Review for Haruhi Season 2, episode 22, episode 21, episode 10, episode 9, Initial Impression

Author: Ray

I'm a hardcore Anime Fan and I'm proud of it. I know so many things and I've acquired so much knowledge you wouldn't believe. But my love is anime. I've been drifting in this world for so long that I don't even know what an anchor means. I've seen so many shows that I've lost count. The only thing I'm sure of myself is that I care for the lowly and disenfranchised. I hate the rich and powerful and I love what I do, or what I can do. I like anime and I don't mind watching different types of shows. I have experience in different types of Japanese animation. I would be called an "expert" in a bizzaro world. One day, I'd like to start a revolution. I love the US, pizza, beer, sashimi, Chinese food, and steak. But I love freshly baked bread more than a well-aged steak. In reality, if I were born Japanese I'd be a real, hardcore Otaku. I love to love and I can hate strongly. I'm passionate in nature and I don't mind shedding tears. I can be reached at rayyhum777 at animediet. My Twitter is rayyhum777 at twitter.

7 thoughts on “Official Trailer of The Disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi Movie

  1. Very awesome.  I can’t wait…
    Though honestly I guess I should finish watching the 2nd season huh?

  2. Was alerted to the trailer via Twitter to the site that (naturally) had a “Not Found” message appropriately placed on it. Loving what I see in this, and am so thrilled that the length is really pushing the limits as well. Cannot wait.

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