In 2009, on Anime Diet, I resolve to:
- Write some kind of post at least every other day. Even if it’s just a filler news post.
- Reply to everyone’s comments.
- Try to write comments more often on others’ blogs.
- Release podcasts the same week they are recorded. Today’s release is a good start–it’s a new record for me, a mere 3 days after recording!
- Release podcasts much more regularly as schedule permits. Twice a month, at least.
- Not promise or pre-announce posts I end up not writing. Or videos I end up not making.
- Try my very hardest to release con video diaries within one day of their shooting. This is admittedly very difficult sometimes, but lots of Youtubers seem to be able to do it…
I’m also reconsidering the utility of episodic blogging, a style that I’m not sure I do my best within. I like the big batch reviews I started doing for the end of the Fall season. It makes pontificating pretentiously so much easier.
That’s it for me for 2008. What are some of your blogging resolutions? Happy New Year, everyone!
I hardly use to reply to comments unless it warranted one but now I have made it a rule to reply. It’s good to reply to comments because as the author you’re acknowledging the reader’s opinions and just the fact they left a comment.
Your other resolutions sound great. Wish you the best at keeping up with them!
Koji Oe: indeed, I actually realized that it’s kind of impolite to not reply. Especially on a site like mine, which doesn’t get tons of comments, every commenter is making an effort and ought to be acknowledged.
As for the other resolutions–well, you know what they say about New Year’s Resolutions. 🙂 But these are serious goals and if at least I could stick to them it’d make the website better. Let’s hope for the best!
“Try my very hardest to release con video diaries within one day of their shooting. This is admittedly very difficult sometimes, but lots of Youtubers seem to be able to do it…“
well good luck and do your best (^_^)V , don’t worry too much on commenting. Just comment on those you have something to say rather than zealously trying to comment for the sake of commenting. 😀 Cheers!
happy new year.
i’ll be sure to drop by often. cheers!
pp: Yeah, I won’t do it for its own sake per se, but I’m trying to get over the passivity that I typically have when I read something interesting.
gordon: happy new year to you too! And thanks for dropping by, I hope you continue to like it here. 🙂
Happy New Year dude. Some of those resolutions, you are going to find hard to keep. Then again, it never hurts to try. Good luck!
Panther: Happy New Year to you too! I’ll do my best with hard work and guts!!!
Oh god, I forgot to set myself some resolutions.
Oh well, I’ll probably just go with “spend less” and “blog more” >_>
My New Year’s resolution? To have no resolutions is to have resolutions, to have resolutions is to have no resolutions. Yes, that is from the school of BS Zen.
Zeroblade: circumstances are going to force me to spend less this year anyway. And I am definitely trying to do the latter.
rayyhum777: But if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice!
Dude, that’s still from the school of BS in humanity! XD
Hmm… the first one might be kind of risky, since you’ll end up pressuring yourself to POST MOAR even if you don’t really feel like it D: Though I guess I also need that kind of push every now and then, blog whenever I can, stop procrastinating and all xD
All the best to you guys!! Remember to do this for fun! 🙂
usagijen: I see it kinda the same way like with any other worthwhile discipline, where you have to expend some initiative and effort to do something you genuinely enjoy but it’s sometimes hard to start. To a certain extent it’s sheer laziness that can get in the way of doing enjoyable things…and I am a HUGE procrastinator, and this is a way to try to counteract that.
Anyways, I’m going to be writing another post now so I can now practice what I preach. 🙂 And thanks.