The Date–July 4, 2009
The Time–9:00 AM
The Place–LP3 (LACC 411), Anime Expo 2009
The Event–The Indecent Otaku Comedy Hour!
And if that doesn’t convince you to come, let Dancing Queen’s promo persuade you to show up bright and early on Independence Day.
If you can’t make it to AX this year, have no fear. We will have a live Internet stream of our show, right here in this space. There may even be prizes just for you Net watchers, too. You’re not going to be left out this year!
The Indecent Otaku Comedy Hour: so exposed, it’s indecent.
ohh it’s finally up on the site! HECK YEAH!
I should watch that live internet stream…:)
Prizes for us hikkis? You are a kind sir! Hopefully I’m not doing anything on that day =3
btw, perhaps this was mentioned before and I’m too lazy to check but what time zone is Los Angeles?
DQ: you’re welcome. 🙂
Toonleap: yes, you should.
Jesus159159159: LA is in the Pacific Timezone (-7:00 GMT). Please come and watch!