From the Editor’s Desk at The Diet 3 Daily –
As the competition for the Anime Blogging Awards heats up, we here took a peak at some of the “Death Notes” that our staff members own (because we all got the Eye of Death, silly).
In order not to spook anyone (yeah like for real), I’m simply going to list some of the names of their blogs and I may bother (not) with the monikers of these writers. I suppose we could call this the Blogs Most deserving to be in the Death Note Award (Discrepancies and incongruence ignored). Below are the categories:
Ikari “Mike’s” Gendo’s Blogs that deserves a heart attack:
“Rayder’s” Blogs that deserves to fall out of a bus and get run over by a speeding truck that happens to be coming:
“Jeremiah’s” Blogs that deserves to fall of a bike while chasing a girl and get smacked by a mack truck:
“Yagami Raito’s” Blogs that deserves a stinky death inside of Ryuke’s mouth while being eaten as an apple:
…AHHHH! Something really stinks here and it’s not my ass! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Awww….does the speeding truck have a hot babe? I don’t mind then.
Ouch, I wouldn’t want to be on that list.
My former-rival-turned-friend’s son from the future visited me one day with a time machine, and gave me the heart medicine required to live on and defeat the cyborgs.
Though you forget that it took a while for things to go back to normal, sat. 😛