Category: Uncategorized
Bridging The Gap: 30 Years Of Macross, 7 Hours Of Love
Taking a most unusual detour from its previous home at UCLA, I took a short trip from home to spend a few hours as part…
Round the Sphere
For those not at Anime Expo (including yours truly), enjoy what the blogsphere has to offer! I loved this from chaostangent. Math and anime in…
Round the Sphere
Welcome to the first Round the Sphere! Every Friday, I will list interesting things I stumbled upon that week. They won’t always involve a theme…
Blackstone Takes Majority Stake in Aniplex
Citing financial difficulties, Aniplex is expected to announce tomorrow that The Blackstone Group is taking an eighty percent stake for an undisclosed sum estimated at…
Anime Figurines Pulled from Wal-Mart
The Fortune 100 company announced that it’s pulling all figurines from Air off the shelves immediately. Air is an anime TV series that aired in…
Bridging The Gap: The Value Of Penguindrum (An Ode To Change)
Well there was no real way this post could be avoided. After finishing this series and realizing that there was little to no way this…