Category: Editorials
I’m Not Dead Yet
Just wanted to assure everyone that I’m not dead yet from this blog. I am not on hiatus so much as simply immersed in the…
Please show MOMO-i the proper American welcome – Hawaiian style!
From ANN – Halko Momoi to Perform at Honolulu Festival in March …14th Annual Honolulu Festival has announced that…14th Annual Honolulu Festival has announced that…irst…
I think I’ll form a new performance trope called the Blue-Ray Men group.
From ANN – Wal-Mart Chooses Blu-ray Disc over HD DVD …announced that it “will offer only Blu-ray [Disc] movies and hardware machines, as well as…
What? Claymore is taken by Funimation? How’s Clare going to fare against Goku?
From ANN – Funimation Licenses Claymore Anime Series (Update 2) …has announced its license of the Claymore anime series at noon CST today [15th]… Ray’s…
Holy Shit! British Chocolates are taking over Japan!
From ANN – UK’s Bootleg Novel Animated for Mobile Phones in Japan …the misadventures of two English boys who run a bootleg chocolate factory after…
Yay! Death Note Stand Alone Complex going to UK!
Another challenger to Shakespeare? Not. From Anime UK News – Just as planned, Manga Ent. confirm Death Note anime for UK …confirmation from Manga Entertainment…