Category: Editorials

Posted in Editorials

Seikon no Qwaser Boob Flood pt. 2

The only thing I can say is…RELEASE THE TITTIE FOUNTAIN! WARNING: GRAPHIC INTENSIVE + NSFW!!! Enjoy(?) at your own discretion! If you need a good…

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Posted in Editorials News

Free Food = Free Manga = Free Anime? Wha?!

What does free food has anything to do with free manga + free anime? Is Pizza Hut finally doing a campaign tied in to anime…

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Posted in Believe What You Hear Editorials

Fans and Citizens of Diet 3 Unite!

From the Diet 3 Daily – Friends, fans, comrades, citizens and pedastrian A, B, or C of Anime Diet/Diet 3, hear us! Since the June/July…

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Posted in Editorials News

Analog Diaries Part 2: Thinking Of The Children

A product ripped from the blogs of recent days, The Analog Diaries is a series of recollections of a time before digital distribution. In the…

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Posted in Editorials

The Seikon no Qwaser Boob Flood

This is Seikon no Qwaser. It makes Queen’s Blade looking child’s play in terms of graphics. It’s even boobier than the manga. So, after the…

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Posted in moe

Moetics: My Otaku Life, Part 3 Fin

Part 3: Finale

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