Category: Editorials
Round the Sphere
In light of recent tragedies, it’s fitting Omo laid down a succinct discourse on the nature of guns and people the day before the Connecticut…
Round the Sphere
Best of the bestest cosplay ever. This is so wrong on so many levels. And how did they get those numbers? I personally prefer the…
Round the Sphere
Our very own Linda is hosting the MMF for December. There’s an exhibit of Gunslinger Girl also kicking off in December. Guess what else is…
“But To Be Chuunibyou Was Very Heaven!”: A Memoir of Art and Embarassment
Another reminisce of gendomike’s teenage years: those foolish, imagination-soaked days of late middle school and high school, when a king named Sareth Darva Arakin Tanera ruled Andor and started showing up online. Oh, and some parallels to the recent anime Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai.
Round the Sphere
Okay, officially this week, Paper is away at AnimeUSA, so I am stepping in to assemble Round the Sphere the week. (Often I have the task…
Round the Sphere
…if this obsession with virginity on their part reflect their own personal affairs or if it’s the editor’s suggestion and thus what the industry demands,…