Tag: psycho pass
Anime Power Ranking Ballot (Week Ending Nov 8)
Gendomike covers his top five anime episodes of the week for the Anime Power Ranking ballot, and discusses a few other shows as well!
Anime Power Ranking Ballot (Week Ending Nov 1)
Gendomike’s additional comments about my Anime Power Ranking ballot this week got so out of hand, he decided to just make it a post, dang it. To become a weekly feature (?)
12 Days of Christmas: WHATTA TWEEST, Gen Urobuchi
Gendomike closes the 12 Days of Christmas series this year with not one, not two, but three twisty moments from Gen Urobuchi anime this year. Is Urobuchi the new M. Night Shyamalan? Is it even entirely his fault?
Psycho-Pass: Dead On Arrival?
A lot of words have already been shared regarding Production IG’s big return to dystopian sci-fi, PSYCHO-PASS, so a part of me felt like…
War On Yurismas! Psycho-pass
Urobuchi’s crusade: war on yuri. And now about to be war on yaoi.
Psycho Pass – an emotional and joyful moment for Cyberpunk fans…Eh?
I wrote about my thoughts on Cyberpunk in a paper back in 2007! https://animediet.net/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/cyberpunk-anime.doc , and I must say, I’ve become much dumber and can’t…