Tag: guest
Anime USA 2011: Outgrowing the Hyatt (Part 3 of 3)
Guest correspondent Shizuka’s last report about Anime USA, which is a con in transition that’s perhaps gotten a little too big for its venue. Fortunately, it’s moving to a bigger one this year. Find out more!
Anime USA 2011: Maid Cafe and Host Club (Part 2 of 3)
Shizuka February 12, 2012
Guest correspondent Shizuka’s second report about Anime USA in Arlington, VA from late last year. This one is about the strikingly authentic maid cafe and host club events, with some really great pictures!
Mix Speakers at Anime Next 2011
At a convention, there is an opportunity to explore new music, and Mix Speakers. Hearing from their MySpace page, they music seems J-poppish. But this…
Special Guests of the Masquerade at Otakon- a part of X Japan
Whew, made it just in time, before their United States debut at Lollapalooza tomorrow. Part of X-Japan specifically Yoshiki and Sugizo were at Otakon’s Masquerade…