Tag: games
Interview: Daisuke Ishiwatari, Creator of Guilty Gear
We talked to the creator of the Guilty Gear fighting game franchise, Daisuke Ishiwatari, at Anime Expo 2015. Hear him talk about the creation of Bridget, his thoughts on the pronunciation of BlazBlue, and more!
Interview: Kazutaka Kodaka, creator of Danganronpa
Jeremy talked to the famed creator of Danganronpa, Kazutaka Kodaka, at Anime Expo. Hear all about his roots, influences, and things he looks for in games–his own and others when he helps bring them to Japanese audiences.
Interview: Voltage Games
Gendomike and Linda talked to one of the leading developers of otome (girls’ dating sim) games, Voltage Games, at Anime Expo. Hear what they have to say about the challenges of bringing these types of games to the American audience and more!
Nobuo Uematsu Q&A at Otakon 2011 – Video
Ever wanted to see Nobuo Uematsu, the legendary soundtrack composer for the Final Fantasy games? Our friends and partners at Dragonfish Films caught him at…
Secret Santa Survival Guide: Part Neko Otaku
It’s that time of year, and silly games abound. You reach into the hat and draw a name sealing your fate as someone’s Secret Santa….
Crimzon Clover demo
YOTSUBANE, makers of danmaku game Crimzon Clover, offer a web demo. The demo was previously released at Comiket 77, and an earlier version was released…