Tag: Conventions
Exposition: Anime Expo 2012, Day 2
The second day of AX 2012 was the most packed one for gendomike. A full account of the Vocaloid panel, LiSA fan panel, Yaya Han, and the Kajiura/FictionJunction concert.
Exposition: Anime Expo 2012, Day 1
The problem when you are both press and fan—as I wrote about last year—is that you’re caught between two sets of commitments. As press, it’s…
Exposition: Anime Expo 2012, Day 0
If Twitter is the now the first draft of new media history, this article series about Anime Expo 2012 is the second—an attempt to set things down before the memories fade. An account of Day 0.
Anime Expo 2012 Day 2: In Tweets and Pictures
A day full of panels, concerts, and press drama. Find out more!
Anime Expo 2012 Day 0: In Tweets and Pictures
A digest of tweets and pictures for the first (press) day for Anime Expo 2012! Even better pictures to come.
AM2 2012: Toshihiro Kawamoto Panel Livetweets
Here’s the Storify record of my live tweets during the Toshihiro Kawamoto (Studio Bones animation director) panel at AM2 convention!