Tag: baka to test to shoukanjuu
12 Days, 12 Moments 2010: Male, Female, and Hideyoshi
Today’s moment is brought to you by the gender benders at Silver Link and director Shin Oonuma, who together have brought to us one of…
Baka to Test to Shoukanju S1: A Review/Analysis/Ratingless Ramble
Or, Shin Oonuma’s Day Off: where the angst-master of SHAFT’s ef series tries some comedy for a change. And succeeds, mostly.
Want to cross-dress! Henjo-nyoshi!
Here’s a Japanese to English translation of the article: Warning: broken English as crappy as Arnold.
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu 5 – Hallellujah, it’s raining meta
Is the average Japanese Otaku in love with traps???!!! There are man-maid cafes in Akiba and now there is a dude that looks like a…
Tsundere Banana 08 – iPad and Durarara and Fail Loli Show and Kawasumi Ayako Character
What it is: a podcast/audio column Length: around 10 minutes. Less than 10:30. (YES! I hit 10:00 mark and didn’t go over this time!) Host:…
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu 3 – dates from hell
Something I never had to endure, fortunately or unfortunately, depending on which way you’re looking at, or which direction you’re looking at if you were…