Wow, what a fucking brilliant episode! I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like this in my entire anime watching career!1000% recommended for your daily anime diet…Yeah, only in the bizzaro world!!!
It sucks. It’s boring. It’s not even funny. I felt like turning it off every 5 minutes. I want to shoot the fat ass gay guys and Nadie.
Rosenberg comes back alive???!!!
Ricardo and Lilio manage to appear anyway.
Nadie and Elis go on the journey again an provide some sort of closure to Bee Train but not to the audience. THE END.
Yuri fan (girls), wanna savor each sweet little moment in the journey? Dream on. There isn’t any flashback about that.
The mysteries remain unsolved:
1. whos’ the dude in the mask?
2. Why is Elis flipping a pancake?
3. Why is Nadie being touched by the masked dude?
4. Why are there guns fired?
5. Why did Bee Train make this show???
6. Finally, why would anyone care??????
It’s 10% recommended (max) for your daily anime diet. I promised no real review last time, and I was right – nothing needed.