Real life got in the way a bit, but the post-AX podcast episode is now here! The first half of the episode is about some of the new shows this summer, including Zombie Loan, Mushi-Uta, Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Kai, and Nanatsuiro Drops, as well as the ending of Nodame Cantabile. The second half is about the experience of Anime Expo, pro and con, especially the latter, including some directions we are thinking needs to be taken by cons in the future. Has AX gotten too big for its own good?
This is one episode where we are particularly interested in your feedback. We are looking to hear about YOUR con stories–horror stories, as well as examples of things that went right and were run very well. It could be from AX, Otakon, or any other convention, such as the upcoming ComicCon in San Diego. Send us email to animediet@animeblogger.net, or leave us comments on the post for this podcast (https://animediet.net/archives/489). We will compile your responses and read the best ones on the air.
Next episode is coming very soon, and it’s about the summer season. Meanwhile, enjoy our thoughts for this week!
Show Notes
- –OP: “Zero Signal,” by Yoko Kanno (from Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society)
- –ED: “Date of Rebirth” by Origa (from Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society ED)
- –My video diary for AX is in our Youtube channel. (https://animediet.net/youtube-channel)
Great episode guys! I had a great time at AX but because I was press I didn’t have to deal with the lines like everyone else except for the concerts. The SOS brigade concert was late because of bandai because they brought the sos crew over to AX and were responsible for everything involving them. They were late to the press panel I went to because if I’m not mistaken the autograph session they had was that Saturday morning the same time as the press panel and that’s why alot of people didn’t get to get anything signed the first time around. So from what I’ve heard anything involving the SOS crew that got screwed up or what not was all bandai’s fault.
The SOS concert was delayed so long was because they were still rehearsing when the concert was supposed to start apparently bandai’s fault as well. Other then the private interviews I requested being canceled at the last minute every time before I was about to head over to where the interview was supposed to be held AX went great for me. The panel went off smoothly and there were no problems with that which I’m grateful for. Even though the SOS brigade concert which was the main event I was really looking forward to, was a bit disappointing since I was hoping for so much more, I still had alot of fun. Even though the performances weren’t the greatest and there were technical problems I still had fun and screamed and cheered and jumped and went crazy.
It’s not every day you get to see the sos brigade sing live so I made the best of it. Chihara’s (Yuki) performance was the best out of all of them though and she sung my fav. song from her character single as well. Sorry I wasn’t able to talk with you after the panel Michael. I saw you up there after the panel but there were so many people that wanted to talk to me and I was busy trying to get things packed up.
I wanted to talk with you after but I saw you had left after I packed up. Anyway Anime Genesis will be recording it’s AX show soon and I’ve already uploaded video and audio from the SOS brigade press panel on my site.
Hi Benu,
Yeah I’m sorry I left a bit early. I was kinda tired and beat and really wanted to head home to take a nap, after getting up really early for the open signing line (thinking there may still have been a remote chance the SOS Brigade might show up). I really liked the live session you recorded in your panel and I look forward to hearing your AX aftermath show too!
Benu – please, I’m definitely looking forward to hear the same old banter and fun from you all!