Part 1: Nature vs Nurture
Now I will focus evolution, an integral part of the human nature. And nurture will be umvelt (surroundings), which is primarily a culture we live in. I will solely focus on skinship, which is a unique concept in the Japanese culture. And the American culture, where I am present now, will extensively be discussed in Section 7 “Paradise Lost: USA.”
1. Evolution
When I was a school boy in Japan, girls exclusively adored Yanki, not Soushoku-kei like me. That was the problem. Why do girls prefer carnivores? From an evolutionary point of view, we don’t need physically threatening males. They were necessary in a hunter-based society back then. They were essential to protect women and children from the wild beasts. They hunted the game and brought food to their family. But we don’t live in the wild anymore.
Yet, Japan’s youth culture used to be Yanki-dominated during the 80s and 90s. It was such an unevolved society. Yanki, DQN, and Yakuza were typical Nikushoku-kei. They were bad guys. Comedians like Takeshi Kitano, Johny’s idols like Kimutaku, and writers like Shintaro Ishihara (elder brother of Yujiro Ishihara) were symbols of Yanki culture. Now with the emergence of the Akiba culture, boys are getting more Soshoku-kei. Some of them don’t drink alcohol, don’t smoke, don’t use drugs, don’t gamble, but rather hang out at a pastry shop, drinking tea or coffee and eating cakes. That’s why I love a pastry show Yumeiro Patissiere. It is just dreamlike. Yummy. A perfect show for sōshoku-kei. They don’t do “dude’s stuff.” They’d have been beaten up during the 90s, but now they can proudly walk in the street. So, at least it’s getting a little bit better, much better than when I was in Japan.
I was a little skinny kid, utterly defenseless, and I was picked on. If only there weren’t any Yanki, my school life would have been better. The world without Yanki would have been much better. How much I had waited for a savior like Sakagami Tomoyo from Clannad? She would have driven off all these evildoers.
I didn’t like sports, especially physical contact competition like international football (soccer) and American football. I didn’t like martial arts either. I was as peaceful as Mahatma Gandhi. I didn’t like PE at all. PE teachers were very physically threatening; they were the epitome of macho men. I told myself, “I don’t want to be like them when I grew up.” Of course, physical educators were full of testosterone, pumped up with adrenaline, yelling at us with a whistle and bamboo blade, “Get Physical!” I remember the education board cut music and art classes because of the budget crisis, but why didn’t they cut PE as well? It didn’t make any sense. See, the board cut sōshoku-kei classes, but not nikushoku-kei classes. Wasn’t PE as unnecessary as art and music? No, politicians like Ishiwara Shintaro believed machismo was essential to sustain the nation. So, PE didn’t go away. And PE class was where Yanki showed off their machoness to girls. And girls cheered them. In that matter, they were nothing different from America’s varsity chicks.
Anyway, why were these girls crazy about Yanki instead of us? As Leil Lowdres writes in her book Undercover Sex Signals, because girls are evolutionarily challenged. If they were totally evolved, I would have been the source of sexiness. Probably we Otaku would have been the sexiest male on earth. We would have been dating from left to right. There would have been a lot of okkake chasing after us. They would have taken off their clothes whenever they saw us like Girls Gone Wild. But that’s not the case in the real world.
Nonetheless, today is a little bit better for us than it used to be in the 90s, since soshoku-kei are starting to get recognitions. We will not be beaten up simply because we are soshoku-kei, but girls are not really embracing this new trend. They are still madly in love with the evildoer. That’s the problem. So, evolution still has a long way to go, and I will not see them completely evolved in my life time unless I become immortal, so the picture is pretty bleak.
Thus, human beings have not evolved as it should have. Look at sexuality. One bossy alpha male will take all the women. In an extreme case, such as in the ancient China, men had to be eunuch to work for the imperial court because only the emperor was entitled to pass down the gene. Even in today’s world, it is evident that polygyny is the majority of marriage style, and even in a monogamous society like ours, an alpha male tends to get more than one woman by adultery or marrying so many times. JFK, Bill Clinton, Mark Sanford, and in Italy, Silvio Berlusconi always makes the headline. The most recent case is Tiger Woods. Historically, Henry VIII made the Church of England separate from the Roman Church to legalize divorce, so the King could get all the girls he wanted. Winner-takes-all system, which is the notorious system of the U.S. Electoral College. That’s why the American political system is unevolved. It’s nothing different from chimps. One dominant male gets to copulate with all the females in a herd, and spread his gene around. This is evident from the fact that there are almost 500,000 living people descended from Somerled, and almost 16 million living people descended from Genghis Khan today. Yes, the most violent male. The one excels the most in violence. Thus, an alpha male becomes the most powerful.
Violence is power. Might makes right. And power expands and attacks other groups to dominate. That is the very trait of chimps. According to Richard Wrangham, chimp’s society is highly machismo, male-dominated, and they raid other chimpanzee groups, expanding their territory by murder. Intergroup war is common. And rape is rampant. That sounds very human, doesn’t it? From Color Gang war in Ikebukuro to war in Darfur. The Rape of the Sabine Women. The Roman males used murder and rape to expand their territory. All roads lead to Rome? So, all roads lead to rape? All girls go for rapist? Aren’t we supposed to be more evolved than chimps? Aren’t we supposed to be more peaceful than chimps? What’s the difference between chimp and human? Lipstick? No. The amount of hair.
The more males evolve, the less aggressive they would be. Penguin don’t have flyable wings because they don’t need them. The same should go for humans too. The aggressive muscles are not necessary today, so it should go away like Penguin’s wings. So in that sense, Soshoku-kei are leading evolution since we are more adapted to today’s environment. We are not aggressive. We are very peaceful and passive. Yet, girls are still attracted to violent males. And they seem to fantasize date rape. It is evident in this Love Cosmetics lady’s comic. A rape scene from Gone With The Wind had positive reviews from the majority of females. To them, the rape was a “mutually pleasurable rough sex.” Evident in Twilight, Vampire Knight, and etc, so many teenage girls have gone crazy, craving to be violated and consumed by a violent vampire. That is just mind-boggling. So, we haven’t seen that much of evolution from girls either.
On the other hand, no girl has gone crazy over soshoku-kei boys. At least I haven’t seen any girl nose-bleeding in front of me. We’ve always been told that soshokukei boys are unfit to survive, thus we can’t pass down our genes. We have constantly been told that we are unevolved. But who is more unevolved? Violent one or peaceful one? The answer is clear, violent one. Obviously violent dudes are evolutionarily challenged. So, actually we are the leading group of evolution, not Yanki. And this fact should be self-evident to girls. So, it is natural that girls should be going out with us over dying species like Yanki.
However, girls are barely taking the initiative in dating because there are too many aggressive dudes. Why are there that many? We don’t need hunters anymore. Agriculture has long replaced hunting. Their last moment should have been a long time ago. What went wrong? Why is hunter gene still around? It should go away, and there should be more nikushoku-kei girls like Samantha Jones. If girls become more promiscuous, sex will become more available, and since males won’t need to compete for sex anymore, violent dudes will disappear and peace will arrive. And sōshoku-kei boys will be having a great time. And in the long run, according to Lamarckism, violent genes will disappear and there will be no more violence. Nothing to kill or die for. John Lennon’s Imagine will come true. Nietzsche said what made human different from beast were art, religion, and science. But, I will say anime because there are free-spirited strong girls in anime, the evolutionarily advanced girls. But sadly, we only see these girls in anime today, not in reality. These anime girls are what feminists have long been idealizing, so we are totally with feminism. And we are trying to help feminists any way we can for the empowerment of women. Thus, we Otaku are the true feminists! We’re truly with women’s cause, but ladies are still mating with violent men instead of us while thanking us for our tireless support. How can that be?
Yet, the future is bleak for us. Before evolution completely advances our civilization, before nikushoku-kei girls take over the world where there would be no more goons, we would be dead by then. We were born in the wrong time at the wrong place. Evolution is taking just too long. It’s like thousands year process. So, the only hope is Moe through anime, by having moe on 2-D girls.
But why is evolution taking so slow? What is making evolution this slow? Despite the fact that macho men are unnecessary today, why are they still dominating every corner of our lives? It has something to do with a culture. Now, we will turn a discussion from nature to nurture. And I shall talk about the Japanese culture focusing on skinship.
2. Skinship
Skinship is essential for releasing oxytocin, a romantic bonding hormone in the brain. So, low level of oxytocin leads to misery. And Japan is a culture which severely lacks skinship, thus, people are lacking oxytocin and feeling miserable all the time. Japan has the highest rate of romantically inexperienced males among the most advanced industrialized nations. Thus, Japan has been the land of suicide.
Why has Japan become a non-skinship culture? Before the Westernization, the Japanese culture was very skinship oriented. You can imagine today’s Brazil or some other Latin American cultures. Sensuality and sexuality were part of their lives. Girl’s virginity mattered only in the upper class. But after the Meiji restoration (1867), the Japanese culture drastically changed. The upper society adopted the Western sexual morality. They brought the Western educational system, and with the implementation of universal education, and single-sex education, the new category “shojo” was born. Before the Meiji period (1868 – 1912), coeducation was the mainstream among terakoya. Thus, the division of sex in school created shojo. Yet until the Taisho period (1912 – 1926), this notion of “shojo” didn’t trickle down to the bottom. It didn’t reach the mass until the Taisho era. So, the Western education took almost a half of century to spread around the country. Before that, young girls were just musume, nothing to do with Christian values. What makes shojo distinct from musume is chastity, which became the central part of “shojo.” And of course, the sailor uniform, a shojo’s ditinctive trait. The Victorian ethics became something to look up in Japan. Thus, girls and boys were divided into shojo and shonen, and skinship were discouraged. This “separation but equal” measure damaged skinship custom so badly.
Basically the government put the fence between girls and boys. And the gender roles became clear. Girls were indoctrinated to support the nation as a good wife, good mother, raising boys to be macho enough to fight for the country. And Aoi-chan from Ai yori aoshi is an embodiment of the Taisho shojo. Her outdated Taisho period hairstyle. Her hairstyle is very moga (“modern girl” appeared in the Taisho era). On the other hand, boys were expected to be soldiers and productive industrial workers to level up Japan to join the Western imperialist superpower league. Before that, both men and women engaged in farming, so there weren’t really gender split in the countryside. And the clothing was relatively unisex too. If you imagine yukata, basically the structure is the same. But school uniform has changed it all, especially when boys started wearing pants, and girls wearing skirts. And very weirdly, boy’s school uniform was based on French army, and girl’s was British sailor. It was the rise of militarism. Universal education was to prepare a nation with the total mobilization of people, corporations, and military for the total war. It was based on Prussian General Moltke’s militarism. Thus, “Sailor Moon” can be traced back to this cultural shift. So is the notorious burusera. A reminiscent of Japanese militarism which led to atrocities in Asia.
Traditionally the Japanese clothing was more relaxed. If you see Hokusai’s erotic ukiyo-e, this is evident. Thus, it was much easier to have sex. No hustle unbuttoning. All they needed to do was just untie the obi. But with the Western clothing, it was hard to have H. It wasn’t like T-shirt and jeans back then. So, the clothing also contributed to skinship restriction. That’s why I think sexual revolution in the 60s had something to do with change of young people’s clothing.
At the same time, during the Taisho period, Christian sisterhood (especially Roman Catholicism) became the shojo’s ideal in all girl’s school. This can be seen in a sisterhood anime, Maria Sama ga Miteru. And the french maids at Western restaurants started appearing in the cities. This was the time when European restaurants and cafes became very popular. Because boys had been separated from girls to have skinship, the shojo world had been mystified, and eventually moefied.
So, the Westernization, single-sex eduction, the emergence of shojo, the emergence of french maid, and the disappearance of skinship during the Taisho period, all these were precursors to the emergence of Otaku.
So, skinship-wise, the Taisho period was very significant in Japan. Steel Angel Kurumi is the best anime to observe the Taisho zeitgeist. Kurumi is a robotic french maid. And, she perfectly fits moga (modern-girl), an archetypical Taisho girl. Losing skinship with real girls opened the gate for the advent of maid robot. And the Taisho era was when the Japanese Empire became a superpower after winning WWI. Kurumi was produced by Dr. Ayanokoji as a secret weapon of the Japanese Imperial Army, almost like V2 of Dr. Von Braun or WMD of Dr. Strangelove. It was part of the arm race between the superpowers. But she ended up with a soshoku-kei boy, and protecting him from school bullies, not with the imperialist regime.
It’s been almost 100 years since the Taisho period, and even for today’s standard, girls can rely on macho men to be their arms, while soshoku-kei boys can’t rely on girls to protect themselves. The society will dictate that kind of boys is hetare (wimp) unworthy to live. These boys are referred to “pussycat” in America. In the Taisho era, all boys were expected to be a soldier, ready to dedicate their lives to the emperor. So, soshoku-kei was out of question. They were worthless in militarism. But, a robotic maid, ironically a product of Japanese military industrial complex, became a salvation for soshoku-kei. Kurumi’s personality is characterized by always hugging her master affectionately, very skinship-oriented. She is quite a hugger. That’s how a maid robot is moefied. And she is exactly Ochimono (literally “fallen object”, a kind of deus ex machina, a girl falling from the sky and save lonely Otaku). Sora no Otoshimono is the prime example.
The word “robot” also emerged in 1920 in Europe, which coincides during the Taisho era in Japan. And Fritz Lang’s Metropolis is the epitome of that, a female robot peace maker, bridge maker, and ford-maker. So, the robotic maid trend can also be traced back to the Taisho era also.
Therefore, lack of skinship led to the maid boom, and a maid robot as a substitute for a real girl, e.g., Chobits, Mahoromatic, and etc. And a substitute can be Rosen Maiden too, a Gothic Lolita doll. Yet, we claim these girls are authentic, not “sub”stitute, implying inferiority to today’s evolutionarily challenged real girls. Moekko are actually the ideal of Moe Anime and our fellow feminists. They are the Eternal Feminine, to borrow a word from Johann Wolfgang Goethe. During this time in Europe, Oskar Kokoschka, an Austrian expressionist painter, dated a female doll. He brought his life size doll to everywhere. Insanity is what expressionism was about. We see a couple number of hikikomori dating dakimakura today. They are pillow-huggers, which is far better than tree huggers (oh, Nagi is a tree spirit, so tree huggers may be as good as pillow-huggers). So, this phenomenon has been around for a long time, way before Otaku time, e.g., an ancient Greek story of Pygmalion.
And probably, I-Fairy will be the next generational maid Otaku may fall in love with. And she may replace church pastor as well. Or she can be a nun. Just like in Metropolis, Maria became the mediator between the workers and the management, I-Fairy has become the mediator officiating a marriage. Is it merely a coincidence that the Taisho year 100 is 2011, the next year? That is the year Steel Angels revive. Can Dr. Ayanokoji be one of the scientists who are working for the development of i-fairy technology? I-Fairy is a product of a skinshipless society which started in the Taisho era. Lack of oxytocin and the advent of robotic maid, that’s another correlation.
Today hikikomori lacks skinship with girls, because people don’t touch each other in Japan, especially in Tokyo, which is a society of mysophobia, which is totally a metropolitan disease. No hugging between friends of the opposite-sex. No handshake in business settings. Just exchanging business cards. How boring. Free hugs is inconceivable in Japan. What’s the use of dakimakura if we have free hugs. Free love in Japan? No way. That is why skinship is excessively emphasized in anime. Moekko pressing her breasts up against innocent boys, e.g., a succubus like Kurumu uses her oppai to suffocate a boy. Ah, what a wonderful world… But that won’t happen in such a non-skinship culture like Japan, so hikikomori will never be cured. That’s why I encourage them to get out of Japan like I did.
Well, I hear some hikikomori have been cured by a dolphin therapy. But having skipship with a dolphin? Come on! I can’t have a moe on a she-dolphin unless she shape-shifts into a girl. But, that’s impossible in reality. So, dolphins can’t save me. Watching “Spice And Wolf,” I had a moe on Holo, but at least she wasn’t in an animal form, she was in a human form. Plus, those hikikomori are well off, they can afford to play around with dolphins. I can’t. Unproductive Otaku can’t afford it.
Can Rental-oneesan cure my hikikomoriness? No. Again, we can’t afford them. Moreover, they don’t have skinship with hikikomori in the first place. They are not a sex surrogate in any manner. They just ban anime and video game and throw us out. They just force us back to a cold skinshipless world. So, what’s the point of being oneesan? They are not really oneesan, but just a young female eviction officer. They are worse than Lovely Rita meter maid. And shock therapy won’t work. Otaku are not macho. We are too sensitive to endure that shock. Come on, we are soshoku-kei. So, they are missing the point. Rental-oneesan is not a solution to our problem, but Rental-oneesan is the problem. Rather than curing us, try to cure the root of the problem which all goes back to the Taisho period. We are not the problem, but lack of skinship is the problem.
Thus, that’s how Japan has sold skinship in exchange for the Westernization. So, the Taisho period was the root of Otaku problem. Therefore, what we need is skinship. However, that is impossible for now, so we need a drastic revolution, but I don’t think non-otaku ordinary folks (ippan-jin) will fight for our civil rights. Probably we will end up being a laughing riot. So what is our option?
Virtual skinship, i.e., moe. And diet is a way to moe. Yes, diet is a key to have moe, moe, kyun!
Therefore, I shall discuss my diet plan in the next article.
Thanks for the insight — hope to hear more about your thoughts in your later posts.
I’ve been very interested in hikkikomori and otaku consumption for a while, and your writing has provided some very interesting points for me to do further research and thinking on. One of my best friends actually became an otaku after I introduced my favorite anime to him after he moved to the U.S. from Japan. However, I don’t know quite as much about actually growing up as soushoku-kei in Japan, so I’m very glad you wrote about this topic.
Looking forward to your future posts.
Thank you very much, Kylaran. Yes, I’m trying to provide my perspective based on my personal experience. That’s cool that your Japanese friend got into anime.
Some fascinating observations here regarding the recent status of gender roles & sexual identity, but I guess I just don ‘t see where Moe has any real role in such areas outside of a Pavlovian-esque flight response to the still strong tide of Alpha-male world worship. As much as this is still prevalent in some societies, it is also important to consider the dramatic shift that feminine roles have experienced in only two decades. The most significant being the introduction of the Birth Control Pill in Japan. Notice that the Moe explosion came soon after this significant event. So it can also be argued that Moe serves as a fearful reaction to the expanded emancipation of females, and therefore works against rather than for feminism. As much as certain masculine roles have perpetuated, they are indeed in a massive state of decline. Everything from being the so-called “bread-winner”, to single CEO has been explored, opening up new possibilities regularly. And it is important to look at all of this from an industry perspective as well since the companies are only looking at numbers. Of course we’re going to see a lot of this material, the paradigm has shifted, and Akiba-kei fans are now the sole provider of revenue for the industries. After this, they are terrified of the possibility that these fans will stop throwing money their way. And if one takes this into consideration, the companies are heavily reliant upon this social growing pain that makes this a crucial time for an industry that perhaps needs quicker evolution than any niche social caste can provide. This is coming from someone who has witnessed these changes firsthand, and has considered himself outside the safer array of social acceptance. It isn’t easy, but there are also many females who have grown tired of the systems imposed upon them by advertising & peer pressure. It has been a steam train for so long, and changes to the rails aren’t meant to happen overnight, but they are happening. Maybe even expanding at an accelerated rate. One key is to listen, gauge what is happening by asking questions. The Alpha-male role will always be around, however he just never got the memo that his workload has decreased. What I really wish to see is a culture industry truly run with a feminine mindset as opposed to a mere faux simulation of one. We need our anime equivalent to Kathryn Bigelow already!
Always interesting perspectives. Thanks for your input. Yes, I think what you said about moe industry is true.
Maybe the Birth Control Bill contributed to a rise of Moe. But Moe is not a fearful reaction of women emancipation. Quite the opposite. Moe is to facilitate women emancipation, not the fear of it.
Yes, there are some positive changes in gender role. It’s okay to be Otaku now. But it is utterly slow.
Indeed Koizumi tried to allow female emperor in 2006, but failed. It symbolized how sexist Japan was. Before the Meiji restoration, women could be the emperor! The division of sex not only got into school system, but also the Imperial court!
The world gender equality ranking was pathetic, while the top ranking are Sweden and Norway, Japan is below the 90th, the lowest among the most industrialized countries. Japan still has a long way to go. That’s why anime is an alternative world where females are really taking the lead, owning their own destiny, which we have a moe on.
Yes, it is getting better, but compared to other advanced countries, it’s still pathetic.
Yes, we’re waiting for the equivalent of Kathryn Bigelow. Or they already have been? The author of FMA. Saiunkoku?
Here,here…It may be slow, but something really, truly feels as if the shift is going to have to speed up sooner than later.
This is awesome. Thanks a lot once more, I look forward to finding out how Moe will save the downtrodden Otaku class. Admittedly, I’ve been skeptical about this point for a while now.
Incidentally, your English isn’t broken at all. A couple errors here and there, but you’re fine.
Yes, I hope the shift will speed up evolution and violent genes will go away, thus no more alpha male bossing around. But I wish it’ll happen in my life time.
Thank you for enjoying my article! It’s great to have a nice support!
Yeah, mine is 3rd grade English. But California is pretty tolerant.
Wow. This first part basically sums up most of the issues which I had in my elementary/middle school years. Excellent insight.
However, don’t you think that a predominance of nikushokukei girls will simply be a reversal of the current situation, i.e. a girl must be nikushokukei in order to have any chance of a romantic relationship, while ‘normal’ relationships will die out? Just thought you sounded a little contradictory there.
Nice article, though.
Thank you very much, Ac/CI.
I’m glad you can relate your middle school years to my school experience. How awesome that is. It was unimaginable when we didn’t have the Internet back then.
No, I don’t think it is “simply” a reversal of the current situation. I don’t think girls will be abusive like goons even though they become nikushokukei. Nice guys will finish first instead of last. That’s good for girls, since they will be with nice guys like Otaku, not with goons, so violent genes will go away, then peace will arrive. And that’s better for the world. Anyway, I’m only disagreeing with “simply” part.
Thank you again for your though.
I think I will be a Mahotsukai (魔法使い)! But you know, when we make more than your average debt-ladden jocks, we’ll be winning (at least in this century).
Yeah, definitely! The day when otaku’s productivity also translates to reproductive demand.
I’m sorry you were made fun of in school. I know you you feel, I was the outcast in my school, too. People like that are the lowest of the low. They let their fear get in the way of understanding other people.
Thank you very much for sharing. I deeply appreciate it. I’m sorry that you also went through as the outcast in your school. I dreamed of American high school when I was in Japan, but looks like schools are the same everywhere…
I think it’s pretty clear you don’t have much experience with women. I don’t know a single woman who “goes for a rapist” and most women I know would love a guy who goes to pastry shops with them and is soft and caring. They just also like guys who are exciting, active, and charismatic. Maybe even mischievous. It keeps the relationship fun and exciting. Only some girls like actual bad boys. This article mostly comes off as a bitter rant against the athletic boys (not all of whom are bad boys or idiots, by the way) who always got the girl when you were a kid and you didn’t.
Also lamarckism is discredited, and evolution among different groups happens concurrently. Things evolve together because they work together. So, it doesn’t make sense that only one group “evolved” ahead of the rest. In fact most of your “science” and history is suspect, and I seriously doubt how much you care about actual women as individuals as opposed to just “supporting” feminism to get more sex.
@Discerning Reader
How come you can say like that? You don’t know how much I went thru.,, I’ve been in the feminist movement not for the indecent purpose of self-interest but for all women of the world! I’ve been to the rallies, held placards, marched with them, fought with them. I truly believe women should be freed from the chain of machismo. Some countries, they stone women to death. And this has to be stopped. I do care about women. Indeed I am the lady’s man! I’m not like those playboys or a$$holes just pretending to be kind. I’m not like Makoto who is only kind to girls he wants to grope. I’m kind to all women! My kindness is authentic. And moreover, I’ve been a good citizen, who deeply cares about what’s going on in the world!
I don’t know if girls distinguish real a$$holes from na$$holes. So does that mean I have to wear antisocial baggy outfits, silver chain around the neck, and “Yo yo what’s up, ladies?” like that? Why are so many of them in abusive relationships then? A$$holes or violent abusive men were needed to fight off beasts when human beings lived in the wild. Yet we still see them especially among gangs, mafia, yakuza, neo-Nazi, terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda. We don’t need them anymore. So evolutionarily, they should have been gone. They should have been evolved out and opt out. But girls still look into violent quality in men. Still genetic memory of the wilderness hasn’t disappeared yet.
Well, I mostly drew arguments from a British primotologist Dr. Richard Wrangham. And it does make sense. Once Lamarckism seemed to be discredited, but there is still a debate going on in the scientific community. Few new experiments seem to support that theory and shedding a new light.
Anyway, thank you for the comment! Thank you for reading my article!
Sorry for posting here after 2 years. Anyway.
I always thought japanese society was sick, with the gang bikers, bully, child prostitution, excess of modesty, etc. but never thought the problem was so deep, yet so simple as lack of skin contact. It is sicker than I thought, because they don’t even know this.
Here in Brazil things are so different, it is normal for opposite gender people kiss in the cheek, hug and cling in the arm. I always noted that in anime girls are always hugging guys, but the boys blush and I always wondered why such a fuss over something so normal? Proof once again you shouldn’t learn japanese culture through anime.
About women prefering bad guys, it’s not so wrong, I have some friends and relatives who got beaten by their partner, and according to our government statistics, around 1/3 of women suffers domestic violence, which means you are fated to know someone who is victim or assaulter. The people who is saying that it is not true at all, probably don’t have female friends, or has a very small or privileged circle (even though in my country the number is too high, I imagine other nations are not that better).
Anyways, good article, made me thought of a lot of things. There is somethings I disagree or think is wrong, but it is different and not afraid of being politically wrong.
Thank you for writing a wonderful comment from Brazil, the country I adore since I love Bossa Nova deeply since I watched Evangelion ED, and thank you for backing up my premise. It’s an honor to have you from Brazil.
Yes, lack of skinship is the problem. Yes, it’s a sick society, that’s why I moved out. That’s why anime depicts utopia since the reality is so sick. I totally envy skinship in Brazil. Oh, kiss in the cheek with a full body hug, that doesn’t happen even in America. Here, a hug is just putting arms around your neck, she doesn’t even press her breasts against your body with full of energy. So, it’s still pseudo-skinship.
I heard that a lot of Brazilian girls take the initiative in dating. Here in America, or Japan, girls just don’t ask men out. They are too passive, never take risk of being rejected, all burdens are on men, talk about gender disparity. But even that, seems they choose DV brain made of full of muscle DQN macho men over nice guys like us otakus. Yes, Brazil is still a macho country. 1/3 of women are DV victims? That’s horrible. I hear Swedish girls choose meek guys over macho men. So, I may move there as soon as I have enough dinero. Yes, Sweden is one of the countries have the least gender disparity. Small is beautiful. Blessed are the meek!
Thanks a lot!