Good God, man! Stop the overflowing of blood! It’s massive and tiresome. And stop the kill them all plot line! I mean, sure, for the drama, THIS IS BLOOOOOOOOOD C! Right? But sheesh, this type of nearly complete overturning of character list by killing nearly 98 % of them is just way too fucking much.
This totally reminds me of Ga Rei Zero’s first episode, where we are introduced of a bunch of characters and starting to learn about them, on pretty decent terms, and then…
They all fucking die! WTF???
And this time, we had over 7 episodes (before the death of one of the twins) to get to learn and like all the characters, before Tomino the show just decides to kill them all and pour buckets of blood upon us. I mean, Shit! This is so close to what B- flicks would do that it isn’t interesting, at all.
OK! We get it! It’s Blood C! But jesus, stop raining down blood on us! Or at least declare a formal WWIII on Saya and the audience first before the God of character-kill KILL THEM ALL TOMINO shows us his powers! Who the fuck summoned him, anyway?
The plot is supposed to be cranking up and becoming more and more relevant and clear, but the over-bloodiness is just too distracting even for this anime veteran. After all, there’s only so much killing that one can take in a non-B flick before he calls “mercy” or “give up”.
There was so much blood and so many established characters that died that the show became shitty. Spare us, please, but more importatntly,
Kill ’em all plots just doesn’t work in 2011. Please don’t fucking pull that shit again; it was even quite tiring when I saw it for Gundam V, which was made in 1989-1990.
Of course Tomino isn’t in this show, but this style is just so…sigh…
P.S. found the screen cap from the good reviewers here. And these people have great reasons to be angry about this shit!