TOKYO–an anonymous source from TNK, the studio responsible for the animated high school drama School Days, revealed to that the replacing of the final episode with nature scenery was ordered by top TNK officials, rather than by the television stations as publicly reported, in order to prevent the true ending of the series from being shown.
“The public has been lead to believe that it was because of the girl axing her father,” the source, an animator, said by telephone. “Now, just to get it straight, we had nothing to do with the axing. That was a lucky accident. But the truth is, after seeing how fans have reacted to the show so far, we knew we couldn’t show the ending. Because…” Sounds of struggle followed, and then strangulation noises.
Numerous Internet fansites (“blogs”) have speculated that the anime series, based on a erotic computer game famous for its violent, unhappy endings and its caddish, promiscuous protagonist, Makoto Ito, was actually going to receive a happy ending. Calls for the violent demise of Makoto are nearly universal across the “blogosphere,” and one fan, “k0n4t4FTW” wrote vehemently on a blog, “MAKOTO THAT BITCH MUST DIE and they if he don’t Im gonna FLY TO JAPAN for some SAWIN TIME! STABBY FTW!” Others indicate his opinion is representative of that of many fans, to the point of protest in Yokohama this evening.
Shortly after the conclusion of the phone call with the animator, offices received an anonymous package, which contained a CD-ROM. The CD-ROM’s contents consisted of graphic files with filenames beginning with “e12_cel_finals” and they depict a smiling Makoto, arms around the shoulders of the two female leads, Kotonoha and Sekai. No further commentary or explanation was given on the CD-ROM or in the package, and the larger context of these files is unclear.
Further investigation into the “Nice Boat” that was shown in place of the final episode revealed that it is the yacht of the director of School Days, Keitaro Motonaga, and that the nature footage was taken during a TNK corporate retreat in 2005.
Neither Mr. Motonaga or any other official representative of TNK could be reached for further comment.
Raymond Hu also contributed to this story.
Nice Boat!!
lol whut.
If this is true, this is quite reminiscent of Moetan.
I like School days and seem to have a happy ending in my esp 12. I have seen a “alt ending” and I do not want violence in this anime.
I complained to you tube (Google) for allowing such violent ending of anime to be placed on there.
If you violence & blood shed go to Iraq and get yourself blown up.
This world is troubled already, and we don’t need children re-acting out the last seen in school playgrounds..
I tend to agree, this kind of disturbt thinking is most unnecessary in society.
@rachael, @Stephen – Well, by the same logic, it would be great if there were some kind of “thought police” to make sure people think only proper, decent thoughts.
Now what could possibly be wrong about that?
So, what you’re saying is that the bloodshed caused in the Middle-East is not comparable with this kind of psychological behaviour? Killing is killing, although for different reasons. And I would also like to point out that it has an R rating for a reason.
Although you can be against the ending, I would still say it all comes down to preferences. Personally, I thought the show was lacking the climatic tension that the ending provided.
And to Morithell:
I really hope you’re being sarcastic.
@Blackfred – I know it doesn’t show up well in text, but yes, that’s sarcasm. My point is that labeling thought “right” and “wrong” is fundamentally inconsistent with democratic principles (the reductio ad absurdum resulting in thought police.)