Hi everyone, the anime cybergods have decided to release me when Ray paid a ransom of 1,000,000 Tokyo-3 yen…anyways, it looks like things are starting to slowly come back to normal. Today’s long outage was mostly due to cache issues which finally I cleared up myself–so in the future, if it happens, I’ll know what to do. Hopefully this week’s load issues with Animeblogger.net are largely resolved.
Nevertheless, we have been planning a move to an independently hosted site for some time already–long before this outage occurred–and our plan is to do this in about one week or thereabouts. The new address is animediet.net–but don’t look yet, it’s embarassing! We’ll be posting semi-regular reminders of the fact over the week about it, but as of now, regular posting about everything else will commence for the time being, the same Anime Diet you know and love to digest.
Whew. What a week.
oo cool… will look foward to the new site ^^