Tag: ax 2012
Anime Expo 2012: Tatsuo Sato Interview
At long last—our private interview with Tatsuo Sato, which in many ways is really part 2 of the conversation that began with the press conference beforehand. Hear his thoughts on whether Madoka’s “Maru!” catchphrase was intentionally patterned off of Ranka’s “Kira!”, what films inspired him to go into visual arts, and more.
Madhouse/Team Chihayafuru Press Conference
Press talked to Madhouse’s Team Chihayafuru (Asaka Morio, Takuya Tsunoki, and Kunihiko Hamada) at Anime Expo 2012 and asked them questions about that show and other Madhouse works. But only we dared to ask about moe. And who’d they rather, Chihaya or Kana. Find out what they said!
Exposition: Anime Expo 2012, Day 3 [FINAL]
The final day gendomike went to Anime Expo 2012 may not have been the last day of the con, but it was still full of surprises from the Madhouse/Chihayafuru team, the LiSA concert, and the Total Eclipse premiere!
Ryo Horikawa Press Conference
The complete press conference transcript for voice actor Ryo Horikawa, the voice of Vegeta (Dragonball Z), Reinhard (Legend of Galactic Heroes), and others. Find out how he was able to negotiate very different roles, his time doing Gundam 0083 as well as his thoughts on OVER 9000!
Exposition: Anime Expo 2012, Day 2
The second day of AX 2012 was the most packed one for gendomike. A full account of the Vocaloid panel, LiSA fan panel, Yaya Han, and the Kajiura/FictionJunction concert.
Exposition: Anime Expo 2012, Day 1
The problem when you are both press and fan—as I wrote about last year—is that you’re caught between two sets of commitments. As press, it’s…