Category: Anime Reviews
Anime Power Ranking: Gendomike’s Top 10 Anime of 2014
Gendomike shares his 10 favorite anime series of the year.
Secret Santa Review: Wolf Children
Gendomike reviews Mamoru Hosoda’s most recent film as part of the blogger-wide Secret Santa project.
Anime Power Ranking Ballot (Week Ending Nov 29)
Gendomike picks the best episodes from the past week again. What is the new show to enter the list this week?
Anime Power Ranking Ballot (Week Ending Nov 22)
gendomike November 23, 2014
With the absence of Bahamut due to its recap episode, and the surprise entry of several titles, this week’s APR was hard to choose. Many…
Anime Power Ranking Ballot (Week Ending Nov 15)
APR ballot for this week: Parasyte 6 Your Lie in April 6 Shirobako 6 Mushi-shi 5 Bahamut 6 Last week’s Parasyte episode is the best…
Anime Power Ranking Ballot (Week Ending Nov 8)
gendomike November 9, 2014
Gendomike covers his top five anime episodes of the week for the Anime Power Ranking ballot, and discusses a few other shows as well!