Category: Diary of an Anime Lived
“But To Be Chuunibyou Was Very Heaven!”: A Memoir of Art and Embarassment
Another reminisce of gendomike’s teenage years: those foolish, imagination-soaked days of late middle school and high school, when a king named Sareth Darva Arakin Tanera ruled Andor and started showing up online. Oh, and some parallels to the recent anime Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai.
What if I had never gotten into anime?
Ray gives a heartfelt confession of what anime, fandom, and God has meant to him over the years. Another entry in the “Diary of an Anime Lived” series.
Jazz Hands: “Kids on the Slope,” Jazz, and Me
A musical memoir about how Mike, a classically trained pianist, learned to swing in his high school years, with reference to the new anime Kids on the Slope. Includes a terribad piano solo recording of “Moanin'” from 1998!
The Childhood Friendzone
A Valentine’s Day meditation for those left behind, in anime and perhaps in life: the childhood friend. Examples from Ano Natsu de Matteru and Onegai Teacher, as well as from Mike’s own sorry childhood history with women.
That Summer, I Waited.
Or, a Diary of an Anime (Sort Of) Lived: the unforgettable spring and summer in which I made an 8mm film and girls (kind of) liked me. Inspired by the nostalgic haze induced by Ano Natsu de Matteru and my ability to recontextualize screenshots.
Diary of an Anime Lived: The Slice-of-Life Age, Part 3 (FINAL)
On the strands that make up “slice of life” in our day, and what it means to be a fan in this time where it…