Author: gendomike

Michael lives in the Los Angeles area, and has been into anime since he saw Neon Genesis Evangelion in 1999. Some of his favorite shows include Full Metal Alchemist, Honey and Clover, and Welcome to the NHK!. Since 2003 he has gone to at least one anime convention every year. A public radio junkie, which naturally led to podcasting, he now holds a seminary degree and is looking to become Dr. Rev. Otaku Bible Man any day now. Michael can be reached at You can also find his Twitter account at @gendomike.
Posted in Anime Reviews Editorials

Attack on Titan: “Why We Fight” For the Otaku Age?

gendomike talks Titan: about its deep appeal, which uses primary human fears and emotions to advance what is, fundamentally, a militaristic narrative that calls upon not only the characters, but the audience, to fight. But to fight what, or who?

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Posted in Anime Reviews

Review: The Garden of Words

The Garden of Words, despite its return to Makoto Shinkai’s perhaps overly familiar themes and motifs, is still the most concise and eloquent expression of longing he has ever put on screen. A visual and aesthetic tour-de-force by nearly any measure, it is Shinkai’s masterpiece.

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Posted in Anime Reviews

WataMote 4: You Can (Not) Be Touched

The latest episode of WataMote adapts some of the raunchiest chapters of the manga to show how Tomoko, no matter how much she wants it, is literally untouchable. A troubling episode when you dig deeper into it.

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Posted in Anime Expo Conventions

Transcript: George Wada (Producer: Attack on Titan) Press Conference

Here’s a direct transcript of George Wada (producer: Attack on Titan)’s comments to the press at Anime Expo 2013. Find out why he made the anime, what it might represent to the contemporary Japanese..and why Mikasa’s abs are drawn like that.

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Posted in Anime Reviews Reviews

WataMote 3: Avoidance

The episodic journey continues with the third episode of WataMote, which is all about the lengths which Tomoko will go to avoid awkward situations. Which is pretty much any situation involving anyone.

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Posted in Conventions San Diego Comic Con

San Diego Comic Con 2013 Tweet Digest, Day 4

[View the story “SDCC 2013, Day 4” on Storify]

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