Tag: harem
Greetings and Strangulations – Asura Cryin 01 Decompressed
The first episode of Asura Cryin’ is incredibly dense in terms of material. It’s got childhood trauma, self-sacrifice, silly friend antics, social commentary, ghost haunting,…
First Look Fair: Kanokon 1 and the Nature of Fanservice
Fanservice in anime is, in many cases, divorced from actual sex–actual foreplay, actual intent to copulate, have intercourse, do the nasty, get to home plate….
The Catchup 1: True Tears 4-7
This is the first in a series of aggregate episode reviews to make up for not having blogged regularly for such a long time…first up…
School Days OVA, Valentine Days: Inside Every Melodrama is a Comedy Waiting to Get Out
Can he really be saying that about Makoto? The final burial of this show is done expertly, and hilariously, by the makers of the anime…
Clannad 13-14: A Theory of Expectations
Is it a bad sign when the end of the Kotomi arc reminds me, more than anything else, of the episode of The Simpsons that…
First Look Fair: H20–Footprints in the Sand
This seminarian groaned when he saw what this first line intimated for the rest of the scene. What? They actually start the whole frickin’ series…