Category: Anime Next
Fan Panels and LARP-ing at Anime NEXT
Linda June 17, 2011
As with any convention, there are panels to be experienced and downtime expected. Fan Panels and LARP were all held at the Double Tree Hotel….
Main Events at Anime NEXT, a recap of the large scale events.
Concerts, panels, human chess, fashion show, what could happen at the Main Events Arena. Well pretty much what I just listed before, this was the…
Summation of Anime NEXT 2011
This past weekend I was at Anime Next around Somerset, New Jersey. They were celebrating their tenth anniversary, so I was happy to represent Anime…
Mix Speakers at Anime Next 2011
At a convention, there is an opportunity to explore new music, and Mix Speakers. Hearing from their MySpace page, they music seems J-poppish. But this…