Tag: Claymore
My tribute to a character in Claymore after ep. 21.
Once she was just a friend; Now a worthy comrade. Once she was steadfastly strong; Now brutally slain. Disregarding rank and class, She followed me…
Claymore 21 – the true face and the true strength of Evil.
It is hopeless. What once was fool’s hope, has now turned into blood pool. The Blood pool of your comrades-in-arms. There is no kindness left….
A potential bad ending to Claymore?
If you already knew about this and are screaming bloody murder, you’re not the only one. But it seems like from the Newtype magazine Japan,…
Claymore 20 – There never was much hope. Just a fool’s hope.
“There never was much hope. Just a fool’s hope. Our enemy is ready, his full strength gathered…” Gandolf, from Lord of the Rings. I’ve never…
Claymore 18,19 Parody – The Chaotic War of Cirumcision in the North
Clare and Jean were heading toward the North to join their comrades. Their mission is to participate in the Great War against the uncircumcised men…
Claymore 19 – Cannon fodders strike back with smarts and gain some exp points and Raki is officially an idiot.
There are a few thankful things I learned after watching this show (especially after watching this ep 3 times in 4 days and giving it…