Category: Goodies
Ringtone from Hayate no Gotoku OP2.
Not much to say except enjoy! [display_podcast]
Ringtone from Genshiken S2 – Gundam Seed Cliche music done OK.
[display_podcast] Well, this song is rather normal listened on its own, but if you laughed as hard as I watched the OP sequence of Genshiken…
Ringtone made with OP from Gundam 00
Remember, all ring tones are examples of samplers. If you really like them and want the whole song and/or want to support the artist, try…
Bonus ringtone using Aya-chan’s latest single – Please buy the legit full version if you like this!
Do support her by buying the single if you like the ringtone! [display_podcast] I think it rocks and has a fun punk rock flavor, even…
Ringtone for this week: Haruhi’s “out of this world” self intro!
[display_podcast] Well, isn’t is this a great way to show your class and your family and friends that you cannot be more Otaku-like even if…
Contest #1: The Runners Up
Because you asked! Here are some other examples of entries we received. Enjoy–we sure did! Thanks to everyone who submitted something and we look forward…