After a month-long search, I’m pleased to announce that we’ve brought on not one, not two, but three new writers here at Anime Diet! They are
dcbebop (@electricv01): a number of us on staff know dcbebop personally as a good friend. He works for a prominent magazine and is an excellent writer, and has helped us on projects in the past, like the Anime Diet Zine at this year’s AX. He will also be one of our regular reviewers.
wintermuted (@wintermuted): wintermuted, an aspiring filmmaker and current blogger over at his own site, is going to be a columnist: writing extended pieces on a monthly or twice-a-month basis, with verve, deep thought, and insight. He will be helping to revive the tradition of the longer articles that were once were a hallmark of this site and offering his unique perspectives on all things anime.
We at Anime Diet are really excited to bring them on board. Let’s give them all a warm welcome as they begin their posting this week!
Welcome and it’s great to have you guys! Enjoy the ride, it is going to be radical!
Looking forward to seeing all the new reviews, especially as a newcomer to the site in general! Good luck, you guys.
Anime Diet Banzai!
Thank you for having me! I look forward to being a part of this team! ^_^
Oh Hi! I forgot to say Hi! And thanks! And Yay! And woo hoo?