Category: Anime Blog Collective
March MMF: Aria/Aqua Series Artbooks
Prior to this blog post, I was a bit worried about overly gushing a bit too much, since I am the host of this Manga…
2010 Great Manga Gift Guide Take 2!
Around the November-December period, the holiday seasons begins, and at this time, people are typically in the mood to give other gifts, so what is…
November MMF: One Piece Color Walk…
As the week of One Piece on MMF draws to a close. I find myself inspired to at least get out another article for this…
Anime Blogging Collective War Ends; All Bow Before Owen S
“It was an April Fool’s Day joke, we swear!” former rebels claim before being executed MALAYSIA–the week-long civil war within the Anime Blogging Collective, founded…
Editorial: Why We Love Owen S
Owen S, the Great and Illustrious Mind and Founder of the Anime Blogging Collective, is our noble master! Born in a faraway land, it was…
12 Days, 12 Moments: Day 12–Words, Words, Words…and the rest is silence
And I close this series of 12 Moments with what I think is the greatest moment in anime I’ve seen this year. It comes from…